Upcoming: Live Interactive Webinar

I recently posted a YouTube poll on what constitutes your most significant challenge for forging an editing career.

Can you guess what over 40% of the 1400+ participants picked?

“I struggle to find clients.”

It is why I am so excited to announce my newest webinar:

The Editor’s Survival Guide to Networking.

Save The Date: May 28th, 9 am – 12 pm PST 
(Limited Seats Available)

This interactive webinar shows you how to take your passion for filmmaking, the resources you already have, and the opportunities you should create for yourself to elevate your game.

It will teach you my proven system to target and convert industry leads into long-term relationships.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  1. How to build a network from scratch
  2. How to create a new network with the contacts you want to have
  3. How to successfully reach out to your dream directors, producers, and clients
  4. How to follow up with them
  5. How to have a successful job interview
  6. How to negotiate rates 
  7. How to leverage up to your next job, gain referrals, and build a Rolodex that can give you the opportunities you aspire to in the long run

Does this sound exciting to you? Good.

>>> Click here and sign up for the webinar now! <<<

I suggest you attend if you can find yourself in at least one of these situations:

Continue reading “Upcoming: Live Interactive Webinar”

Upcoming: The Film Editing Formula – Live Webinar

I’m excited to announce my upcoming live and interactive webinar, “The Film Editing Formula,” where I share the five critical components to thriving as a feature film editor.

Save the Date: April 16th, 9am PST

Seats are limited, so read on and secure your spot.

Here is how I came up with the concept:

A few months ago, I was listening in on a panel with Kelley Dixon, ACE, one of the lead editors on Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and the new Star Wars show “Star Wars: Obi Wan-Kenobi.” 

She spoke about the things she wished she knew when starting her career. She didn’t have a mentor that could have helped her pick up some of the essential “golden nuggets” about the craft and industry. 

And she’s convinced that this knowledge would have saved her years on her path to breaking in. It worked out for her anyway, but it took, in her estimation, an extra three years of agony, paying dues, and set-backs.

Soon after the panel, we figured out a way to get hold of Kelley and asked if she would consider becoming a mentor for one of my students in the Go-To Editor course (calling back on what she shared during the panel.) She said yes.  

While this student is one lucky son of a gun, it made me think about other ways to make this kind of knowledge and experience available to more aspiring editors. 

So I started to develop a clear and easy-to-follow guide for beginners on a budget. 

I call it the

The Film Editing Formula

It’s a 3-hour live Webinar where I drill down on the five critical components every successful film (and video) editor masters.

You already know that I value storytelling as the number one superpower of great editors. But there is a lot more to a thriving career. I started with what it took to get my first feature film editing job and modeled it for your personal editing success. 

I have distilled everything down: 

  • From what I have learned through my own experience, 
  • From working and talking with other pros 
  • From making videos about editing on the channel
  • And finally, from teaching newbies at various film schools. 

It all boils down to one webinar, which you can now.

Sign Up here 

The Film Editing Formula is a step-by-step roadmap for anyone curious about editing and turning it into a passion and/or job. The seminar is not only live and interactive. You also get a recording and slides to use in the future. 

Attend from home. The concepts apply wherever you are in the world, as long as you are curious, passionate, and always pro-active. 

Here’s what you will get:

  1. Three hours of live demonstrations.
  2. Time to discuss your questions and engage with interactive challengesWhat’s the saying? If you go it alone, it takes twice as long. 
  3. I will demo case studies on selecting, storytelling, and cutting.
  4. We detail the three tactics I use to get jobs that excite and pay bills.
  5. And it will lay out a pathway that brings you significantly closer to the opportunity to edit feature films?

If you want this, secure your spot while taking advantage of the early bird price:

Click here to sign up.

If you have a notion that editing could be more than just a hobby, you should take this opportunity seriously. We haven’t decided yet on how many spots will make available as we’re refining the technical limitations of a live class like this, so don’t delay. If the seats are gone, they are gone. 

The Film Editing Formular is the only seminar of its kind, and right now, we have no concrete plans for a repeat. 

So, I am excited to meet you. Are you excited?

Happy Editing!



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